Attack Helicopter Tips - Battlefield 4 - Playstation 4

Battlefield 4 - 9/10
Platform - Playstation 4
Online Multiplayer FPS
Attack Helicopter Tips - Battlefield 4 - Playstation 4

Attack Helicopter Tips - The one who fires first wins... ECM jammers take longer to redploy than flares... When taking damage head back to your Base...

Loadout - Hydra Roackets - Zunis are too slow and Smart are useless...
Heatseekers or Tow - Depends if there is an Air Bully
ECM Jammer to buy time
Air Radar or Stealth Coating

Control from Charlie (C Base) or from behind Buildings...Use the Empty Servers to Learn the Maps... On Shanghai Control the Game from the C - Charlie Tower...

Experience makes the TOW Missiles untouchable... A one shot kill on air vehicles...


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