Fix Error ws-37397-9 on PSN - PS4 Cant Login to PSN - Playstation Network

How To Fix Error ws-37397-9 on PSN - PS4 Cant Login to PSN - Playstation Network...

Welcome Noob...

This post is for the Gamers... You just got your #PSN (Playstation Network) and payed an arm for it...

But you cannot connect and play online... The Error ws-37397-9 keeps popping up...

Hmmm... Before you follow the internet hype which we did... Note:

1. You are not banned by the Playstation PSN Network.
2. Your IP is Not Blocked or Banned either.
3. Resetting, rebuilding the database of the Playstation 4 or your router will not work.
4. Changing your Router Settings will also Not Work.
5. Nor will breaking or throwing the console...

The FIX for the Playstation 4 ws-37397-9 Error is you need to call your Internet Service Provider and Request a Static IP...

Simple enough and note that you cannot do it via your router settings. It has to be done by your ISP...

Playstation Network loves a Static IP and a Static IP is for Gamers...

Live Lab Gaming Staff


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