How NOT to get scammed with EBAY Listing Fees - Is EBAY Free?

Ebay is great... there is tons of stuff from old and new... so I decided to setup an Ebay account as I have some items that I could get rid off....

First up was Payoneer... Ebays payment arm... after relentless emails, bank statements and finger print biometrics I was approved... so i started listing items....

Suddenly I was told I owed Ebay more $230.00 however I did not sell an item... within 2 weeks my Ebay account was blocked... I could not purchase or bid... 

Apparently when listing there are hidden fees in plain sight... once you press list... you are trapped... What ever happened to being free... So... do Ebay free listings exist and work...? Time will tell...

I sorted out my ridiculous amount and have relisted making sure there are ZERO Listing Fees... a great trick is CNTRL F and type in the $ sign and check none of the boxes are ticked as you will be charged regardless of of the item sells or not...

I did however find a free website with zero listing fees and will be moving over to Inland Finder.


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