JK Rowling | All Publicity Is Good Publicity

JK Rowling... The most collectible Author of today's times... JK Rowling signatures on books range from $500.00 upwards. 

Lately however... a few bored individuals and media houses have been trying to shoot the Author down. 

I'm not going to go into the controversial points but yes we are of two biologies male and female (look in your pants if you are unsure)... And so what if certain people love money and mimic goblins... Hats off to them for taking charge while the rest of the world slept. Are we just jealous that we all can't be Goblins. 

Everyone's entitled to an opinion and all these controversies make me want to collect more JK Rowling stuff... Because in the future... She will still hold the title of being one of the top most collectible authors of all time. Ain't no one going to remember Sam who was Sarah and ain't wrote jack squat...

JK Rowling has inspired children and adults to read 📚 . Her books have helped little minds escape reality and we need to protect the good people. 


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